Chey-Nan's T-Shirts

Gildan Shirts
T-Shirts $10-$15 depending on size. Hoodies are $20-$25 depending on size
Union Made Clothes
Custom T-Shirts for all occasions, Hoodies, Ball Caps & Totes. Dark designs look best on Gray Shirts, can put on any color.
Women's sizes S-M-L-XL-2XL-2XL-3XL & 4XL Men's sizes S-M-L-XL-2XL 3XL-4XL & 5XL
Shipping-1 Shirt $3.00, 2-3 Shirts $5.00, 4 and Up $8.00
Hoodies Adult-S-M-L-XL- 40.00 2XL-3XL-4XL & 5XL $45.00 2X- Hoodies Youth sizes are not made in USA $18.00
All Men's, Women's & Youth Shirts are made in the USA-Onsies are not USA.
Prices-Men's S-XL $17.00 2X-5X $20.00 Women's S-XL $15.00 2X-4X $18.00 Youth S M L $8.00 Newborn Onsies to 24 months, 2-5T $5.00.
SDC10005_cm.jpg (65514 bytes)
Name: I Love My Coal Miner
Colors: White Lettering or Black Lettering
on Gray, Yellow, or White Shirts
SDC10022_dad.jpg (43276 bytes)
Name: My Daddy is a Coal Miner
Colors: White Lettering. All color shirts
but White
Sizes: Newborn, onesies, through, 24 months,
youth sizes 2T-#T-4T-5T-S(6-8) M(10-12)
L (14-16) Adult sizes S-M-L-XL-2XL
SDC10004_wife.jpg (51210 bytes)
Name: Proud to be a Coal Miner's Wife
Colors: White Lettering or Black Lettering
on Gray or Yellow Shirts
SDC10002_spoil.jpg (51217 bytes)
Name: Spoiled by a Coal Miner
Colors: White Lettering on Black, Navy, Red,
Brown, Purple and Pink Shirts
SDC10027_g.jpg (41580 bytes)
Name: We are One-We are Everywhere
Colors: Black, White, or Orange Lettering 
Printed on all colors of shirts
Sizes: Women's S-4XL Men's S-5XL
SDC10016_p.jpg (60107 bytes)
Name: UMWA-Family Tradition
Colors: Black or White Lettering
Sizes: Women's S-4XL Men's S-5XL
SDC10014_umwa.jpg (61524 bytes)
Name: UMWA
Colors: Black or Gold Lettering on Black,
Gray, Green, Camo, Red, or Navy Shirts
Sizes: Women's S-4XL Men's S-5XL
umwulg.jpg (73104 bytes)
Name: United Mine Workers Union
Colors: Any color shirt. Red or Orange not
Sizes: S-4XL Men's S-5XL
IMG_9220_Proud UMWA.jpeg (170098 bytes)
Name: Proud UMWA 
Colors: Can be on Solid Colored Shirts
SDC10019_up.jpg (72489 bytes)
Name: UMWA
Colors: Any color shirt
Sizes: Women's S-4XL Men's S-5XL
gbuworker.jpg (94362 bytes)
Name: God Bless Union Workers
Colors: Light Colored Shirts, Red
not recommend
Sizes: S, M, L, XL, 2X, 3XL & 4XL
SDC10013_cure.jpg (77879 bytes)
Name: Coal Miners Wear Pink-We're Diggin
for a Cure
Colors: Black or Gray Shirts
Sizes: Women's  Sizes S-4XL Men's S-5XL
SDC10047_pole.jpg (51692 bytes)
Name: Support Your Local Pole Dancer
Colors: White Lettering on Dark Colored Shirts
Sizes: Women's S-4XL Men's S-5XL
SDC10020_bam.jpg (67879 bytes)
Name: Badass Coal Miner
Colors: Black-Orange or Gray Shirts
Sizes: Women's Sizes S-4XL Men's Sizes S-5XL
SDC10021_coal.jpg (45410 bytes)
Name: Coal-American Energy
Colors: Black, White, or Orange Lettering
on all Colors of Shirts
Sizes: Women's S-4XL Men's S-5XL
SDC10018_wv.jpg (43101 bytes)
Name: Coal Mining-A Way of Life in WV
Colors: Black or White Lettering
Sizes: Women's S-4XL Men's S-5XL
SDC10030_wv.jpg (58937 bytes)
Name: West Virginia Coal Miner
Colors: Any color shirt. Red not recommended
Sizes: Women's S-4XL Men's S-5XL
SDC10031_pa.jpg (70463 bytes)
Name: Pennsylvania Coal Miner
Colors: Any color shirt. Red not recommended
Sizes: Women's S-4XL Men's S-5XL
Life_Farm.jpg (861877 bytes)
Name: Life is Better on the Farm
Colors: Needs to be Light Colored Shirts
farm_life.jpg (1565102 bytes)
Name: Farm Life
Colors: Light Colored Shirts
horse_life.jpg (1108766 bytes)
Name: Horse Life
Colors: Light Colored Shirts
country_life.jpg (761463 bytes)
Name: Country Life
Colors: Light Colored Shirts
what_happens_in_the_barn.jpg (1331467 bytes)
Name: What Happens in the Barn Stays 
Colors: Any color shirt
family_forever.jpg (2116752 bytes)
Name: Family forever
Colors: Light Colored Shirts
snyders_show_pigs.jpg (136309 bytes)
Name: Snyder's Show Pigs
Colors: Any color shirt
whatever_makes_you_happy.jpg (845220 bytes)
Name: Whatever you Decide
Colors: Light Colored Shirts
DSC00481_welders.jpg (88423 bytes)
Name: Welders can do it in ALL positions
Colors: Light Colored Shirts
coon_shrt.jpg (53095 bytes)
Name: Moundsville Coon Hunters Club
Colors: Any color shirt
SDC10034_hat.jpg (78103 bytes)
Name: Hats-Camo
Colors: Camo or Solid Colors Black,
Navy, Red, or Tan
Price: $15.00
Adjustable Back Made in USA
SDC10033_egl.jpg (74889 bytes)
Name: Eagle District 31
Colors: Any color shirt
IMG_9223_WV.jpeg (147725 bytes)
Name: West Virginia
Colors: Any color shirt
IMG_9222_Country Roads.jpeg (80467 bytes)
Name: Country Roads
Colors: Any color shirt

For questions or to place an order call Nancy at 304-843-1767 or 304-280-3665










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